August 22, 2011

over half way

yup... half way there.

i had my just over 18 week ultra sound the other week

it was interesting seeing as the other 2 kids came and Jeremy

also this is the first ultra sound that i have had in a different was different

i didn't have to hold my bladder or worry about that at was great

so i lay down and try not to lay flat cause that makes me want to puke

the technician complained about that but hey do you want me to puke all over your equipment

then she got me to half undress assuming that she would need the skin to move around on

well that wasn't needed

it made it worse that she spread the goop all over my abdomen too

she put the wand on my belly and didn't move it more than an inch in any other direction

she got a view of everything that she needed

heart, arms, legs, kidneys, lungs, brain, head....everything

she said to me at least 4 times...."can you not feel it move"

she couldn't believe i couldn't feel it, but i couldn't really feel it at all

oh well

she took a lot of pictures and a lot of them turned out better then the one she gave us

but her aim was to give us one that was the whole baby

not a great picture since in never stopped moving

i made a comment "reminds me of my first pregnancy"

she then asked "so i have always wondered are they that active when they come out?"

i just said "has she sat still for a minute while we have been here"

she said "ok that answers my question"

oh joy another one

So now it is just over two weeks later

i am just over 20 weeks

i am about a week over the half way mark seeing as i am having a planned c section at around 39 weeks(earlier if i can convince her)

that movement that i didn't feel at the ultra sound is getting to be a lot

oh yeah and the ultra sound showed that it is also breech

so far i don't think it has turned

still feel most movement just above my pelvic bone

my bladder is feeling like a trampoline

i have to pee suddenly and often

at first Zandria said it was a girl and Elias said it was a boy

in the last week Zandria has changed her mind

it is now a boy

we will see


Q&L said...

is that beginning of Jan? You are Rets are the pretty much the same date?? Rets is somewhere b/w Jan 3-9th or something. Dr and her have diff dates :)

Patkau Life said...

Lorretta said hers was the 7th and mine is the 5th but I will have it before the new year.