September 1, 2010

My baby turns Two

Well my baby turns two today. Well I should say he turned two today. I am pretty sure he was born sometime in the morning. Sucks to be a second kid, mom doesn't remember anything about

Well I love the little, or should I say big, boy to death. He is a flirt. You may think that I am joking, but if you have met him in the last 6 monthes, you know what I am talking about. His aim, anyone but especially women of the grandmother type. Oh but back to the big part, he is two wearing size three to four. YES he is that big. He weighs close to as much as my almost 4 year old does. Yet he is a big chicken. He loves trucks and cars.....well anything that has wheels basically. But yet to take him to a real truck or quad or anything like that that he likes to play with in toy form he freaks out. Won't touch it, won't go near it. We are anticipating that there will come a day when we can't keep him from them. Funny kid.

So what age do kids start to walk?? Average age is 12 month/one year. Well the day he turned 1 he took his first steps and hasn't looked back since. When do kids start with tantrums and attitude??? Hence the terrible twos. Well today he turned two. So far this kids goes by the day. He does everything down to the day. Yikes. I should have expected it. Thats my kid.

I love him and his birthday has been great. Zandria had a struggle with today. All the new things to try that Elias still hasn't seen and the fighting begins. But a good day none the less.

Ps Just wanted to let you know that I have decided that I am going public. I don't feel as if I am showing anything that could make my kids a target to anything bad. If you have any opinons or suggestions please feel free.


Q&L said...

did you go public yet? my blog doesn't show it on the blog list, but maybe i have to add it as a new blog.

Patkau Life said...

yes I did go public

Jen Wilson said...

Hey! You have a blog!

Happy (very late) birthday, Elias!
