October 18, 2010

Sanity.....How long will you last

Ok first of all Sorry. I know that I was going to do the blog everyday for a month, and have failed. We went away for a couple of days without the computer. When we got back I just didn't have much to say, and didn't think that anyone cared or read anyway......but got yelled at the other day from my aunt. Soooo sorry Ronna I will make it up to you.

So my sanity.
Not sure how long it will last with my boy being the way he is right now.
Zandria was never a picky eater. She would at least try something without much fight. She is pickier now then she used to be, but she is still willing to try and even eat everything for dessert.
Elias not soo much.
He has always been a fighter. He has never wanted to try new food, or try food that he doesn't reccognise, but ate alot of last time we had it.
We started forceing it into his mouth just to get a taste, and then he would eat what was in is mouth and then decide from there.
Now he won't allow that.
We put some in his mouth and he spits it out and screams.
Even stuff that he has liked and eaten before, like the week before, he still spits out.
He tries to just drink milk to fill himself up.
We limit that.
He has to taste the food.
It is not like I am making anything different than what I have been making since he was born.
He has had it all before but suddenly he doesn't like any of it.
He doesn't eat so he is grumpy.
He crys.
He whines
He screams
I am loosing my mind slowly.
If he doesn't eat he gets moody, and grumpy and I am going insane.
I can't just let him eat nothing be junk or bread and butter...can I???
I don't want to let him eat the things that he really likes, cause then he will get sick of it. He can't just eat yogurt, cereal and bread. He will get really sick of it really fast.
I don't know how much more I can stand.
What to do???


Jen Wilson said...

He sounds a lot like Liliana (and my little brother, growing up). With Lili, if she didn't eat what was in front of her, she didn't eat. We give her bread with peanut butter (her FAVORITE) for lunch, and then put what everyone else is eating in front of her at dinner. If she doesn't want it, that's fine, but then she doesn't get anything else. She's S.L.O.W.L.Y starting to eat what's for dinner. Takes more patience than I thought!

Good luck!!

Tiffany said...

I know EXACTLY where you are coming from! Mitchell's been doing this for MONTHS. Probably all summer, and back into the spring.

He loves carbs: noodles as long as there isn't any sauce on them (and they're not whole wheat), bread, breakfast cereal.

Bananas, but no other fruit. Doesn't like grapes, oranges, apples, pears, kiwi, or anything else.

Milk. He's a milk baby.

Junk. Of course if someone gives him chips, cookies, cake, etc. he'll eat that.

Not sure what to tell you. Just wait it out. Keep putting a serving of everything on his plate, even if you don't think he'll eat it. Eventually he'll come around. The last week or so, Mitchie has started picking at the other stuff again. Last night he even ate some meatballs (it's been forever since he willingly ate meat) at dinner. But seriously - months. I even think he got skinnier lately, and I've been worrying because he seemed a little washed out. But what are you supposed to do?

Little stinkers anyway.

Tiffany said...

Oh, and you'd be surprised how many people read! I didn't think anyone read my blog either, but there are people, relatives, friends that have mentioned to me that they read it, but they don't "follow" on the sidebar or ever leave a comment, so I had no idea!

Q&L said...

i heard or read a comment once from a medical professional, someone asked what to do in the situation where they only ate fruit (or something they really like)? The medical person turned it around and said...They are still eating then, and they're still eating something that's good for them.
I guess the med professional was trying to say even if they only eat what they like, at least if they are eating say fruit or milk, at least its not junk, they are still eating good things.
I'm trying to remember this with Caden already. He is a very good eater, but the odd time he doesn't go for something and on the verge of frustration I try to remember that statement. That being said, I have ejected him from his chair for refusing to eat or for throwing food...I'm still the boss :)
I can't imagine days on end of whining tho :( sorry.

Kelsie-Lynn said...

Do you read Jamie Toews blog? If not she just posted on this and since we are also dealing with it we tried what she did. I was very hesitant about it but it is seemingly working. The idea is that you aren't making 2 meals you are simply going to serve what you made and the kids need to eat it. If they don't eat it then they can have for there next snack or meal (minus breakfast). Alexis has slowly been morphing into a picky eater so we tried this method after weeks of making 2 meals, bribing, begging, timeouts...etc. Every meal time was a battle. And you what this worked. She did have to eat the same meal twice but she did eat it. We don't demand she eats all of it but she must at least try it all. There was some crying and some time outs, but we held our ground and by the second time we served it she just ate it up. Now we are cutting back on juice. That is harder but this worked for us in the meal department. I know it won't work for every kid but I was truly surprised that it worked and I have been pleasantly surprised to see her eat or at least try each meal we are offering her. Hopefully you can find an solution soon. I understand about losing your sanity or feeling like its lost. Having meals times be hard is SO difficult. Take care and let us know how it goes.