December 23, 2011
untitled....too many emotions to put a title to
that is what i am most of the time now.
my blood pressure is up and down.
anytime i am at the doctor or hospital it is not a concern
usually 4 hours later it is a concern...i wait another hour or two take it again and again not a concern
i explain this to my doctor she asked if my monitor is right and i explain how it was only a number off of what they got in the hospital.
she is now frustrated
but nothing that her or i can do but keep checking it.
she also knows that i am frustrated so therefore she says that if it goes high again i go to the hospital and we have a baby...not just monitoring
my blood pressure hasn't been high in two days
oh the irony
well that leads to my other emotion.....acceptance
this baby isn't really due till January 5th, i technically have two weeks to go
God has a plan and i have to accept it
in both my other pregnancies once the blood pressure went high it never came back down
there must be a reason why this came down....i just wish i would know this reason.
and then there is the antsy feeling
i am done being huge
done not being comfortable
done not being able to do a lot of things cause this basket ball in front of me
just plain done
so i am antsy and am spending time on my ball and doing a lot of cleaning and laundry(this equals a lot of stairs).
i am carrying low...even my doctor says so
very rarely can i get up from sitting with out pain in my pelvic area
i have had some contractions also....i have had then before with my other kids but they have never moved while the contraction was going on....this one does so i asked the doctor if this was normal...she said yes
so ok i have a quite a few contractions
my doctor touched my belly after this question and said that the muscle that is my uterus is very 'responsive'.
it almost sounded like at the end of my appointment that she doubted i would make it to the 30th.....we will see.
then there is the excitement
i want to know the sex
i want to know the personality
i want to get into a routine
i want to know how elias and zandria will react
i am excited
i am trying to have patience but i am a fehr...if you know any fehrs they don't have patience
i get really grumpy by the end of the day
and i feel really bad that my kids get the short end of the stick when it involves my short patience and super grumpiness
i try my hardest to not be but the hormones are tooo much.....booo.
but oh aaaahhhhh yup
that sums up what goes through my mind in a loop about 4 billion times a day
God knows when they baby needs to come out and i have faith in Him.
i keep trying to tell myself that
December 15, 2011
the first number is not the one that gets the doctors worry so is the second number
i went for my appointment this morning
before hand i took my bp and it was 150 over 90
i guess 90 is not good.
it is high and they don't like it.
but i am 37 weeks and as long as they keep a close eye on my and my pressure they don't want to take the baby ....another words my bp isn't that super high yet and the baby is fairly happy
how we know the baby is happy is that i spent a couple of hours in the hospital being monitored
not fun.
had to find someone to watch elias and had to make sure someone was going to pick up zandria from school.
thankfully i have awesome friends near by.
so for now the baby is staying put.
my blood pressure is being monitored by me at home thanks to my mom's bp monitor
i now know the number that is too high
i know the symptoms that i shouldn't have
on monday i was/am scheduled to go in to meet with the anaesthesiologist about the c section.
now i am also going in for another monitoring.
i know that my doctor will be there all weekend and on monday.
we have two christmas gatherings this weekend...three if we really wanted to.
but i will miss what i need to to get this baby out....sorry family
i am not purposefully making my bp go up
i am just going with the flow....i have been in this boat before.
December 14, 2011
this is the one where i tell her that my blood pressure has gone up.
i am not bothered by this
i have had high blood pressure with both of my other pregnancies
with Zandria it was really high at the end
i am hoping and praying that my blood pressure is high enough for the doctor to want to do the section early but not soo high that it turns out to be an emergency.
i have swelling and tired and a slight head ache but that is about it.
i have been using my mom's blood pressure monitor at home so i know where i am at.
for all you out there that know about bp's if i give you a number you would understand , but for all the rest of us i will explain.
optimal blood pressure is 120 over 75
normal blood pressure for normal people is under 138 over under 85
high is above 138 over above 85
on saturday i had a rough busy day and it checked it and it was 153 over 90
sunday 142 over 89
monday 144 over 90
tuesday 143 over 91
this afternoon 145 over 98
when i was in labour with Zandria it was 191 over 91
really really high. hence i was induced.
i know that i should really hope that my bp goes down but i don't
i just hope and pray it is high enough to get me bumped
the baby is active still
the unfortunate thing is that every time it moves i am in a bit of pain.
i have had some contractions since saturday, but have gotten a little confused or tricked if you will when it moves A LOT and it hurts similar to a contraction but then as soon as it stops moving then the pain goes away.
i think it wants out as much as i want it out.
so yeah that is where i am at right now.
i will update tomorrow afternoon hopefully.
my appointment is in the morning
December 12, 2011
On the way up.....
i decided that i was done doing hair.
i did 9 hair cuts on saturday.
but thursday at my ob appointment we noticed that my blood pressure has started its way up.
friday my pelvic and hips started to bug me A LOT
so on saturday i spent time on my ball in between hair cuts.
well that made the day rough.
pretty sure that saturday and sunday gave me at least 4 or 5 contractions.
in the 3 days since my dr appointment i have noticed also that i am swelling
swelling usually equals water retention or higher blood pressure.
i checked the blood pressure......sure enough it has gone higher.
talking to my cousin that is a nurse if it goes any higher a call to my dr will be in order.
today has been much better than saturday and sunday.
i also felt a urgent need to pack my bag on saturday.
i did laundry and am packed....but realized that i was lacking a proper nursing bra.
picked on up today.
have decided that i will spend tomorrow cleaning and sitting on my ball, and taking my blood pressure at least once or twice :]
i have an appointment on thursday, if my blood pressure is high in her opinion my c section will be pushed up to the week before christmas, unless i go into labour on my own which i will still have a c section.
so far i think it could still happen but we will see.
all i know now is that my bp is on the way up, not by my choice.
i will take it if it makes it happen early AND i have a healthy baby.
the swelling is on the way up to so yeah no comments on my puffy face.
December 1, 2011
November 28, 2011
34 weeks
October 27, 2011
30 weeks
i had an ultra sound today because they were measuring me big and wanted to see if I was big
i am not
sometimes it is just the way the baby is positioned
i was breech until just recently
it has a big head so there for it was up near my ribs and causing the measurement to be bigger
i am a little disappointed, i knew that i wasn't having twins just a knowing inside of me, but was really hoping for an early date on this c section.
nope measuring where it is supposed to.
i am 30 weeks, measuring 31 cm, and baby is about 3 and a half pounds.
baby is head down and happy.
heart rate has been 150-160 ish every time.
and very very active
it is approximately 8 weeks ish to christmas.
so it is just over 8 ish weeks till this baby comes.
i feel like it is a long ways away when I look at my body and try to get off the couch easily, and walk up stairs often (we live in a 4 level split). seems like forever from now.
but then i think 8 weeks....yikes we have no place to put this kids crib, i don't have the new born clothes out yet, i am not done christmas shopping, or my fall cleaning and the basement reno.
i get overwhelmed easily sometimes....especially when the hormones aren't normal.... feel sorry for Jeremy when i go through menopause and have nothing to show for it in the least now he gets a cute kid out of the misery.
i was hoping to have this kid before christmas so that i would have more time with Jeremy at home. doesn't look promising....oh well.
i got a really good picture of the babies face on the ultra is late and will put it on here tomorrow.
we are all sick here except for Zandria did she get out of it...i don't know....lucky girl.
oh and just a heads up that Jer plans on high jacking the blog for a post so stay tuned for that...may have to do with Haiti .....not sure.
October 18, 2011
large and charge???
October 16, 2011
funny boy
October 15, 2011
one of those days....made worse
since zandria has started school by friday she is tired. almost over tired by saturday
by friday elias is missing zandria and can't stop pestering her.
by friday i am ready for a morning of sleeping in and nothing to do out of the house
saturday rolls around
we have put our kids in swimming lessons on saturday mornings....what were we thinking...well i know exactly what we were thinking. elias has never taken swimming lessons before so we wanted him to be with a parent for the first time and since I don't look flattering in a swim suit and jer is just over all better with the kids in water we had to schedule it for a saturday to make sure he was there. no point in bringing the other child a different day so yeah spend an hour and a half every saturday morning at the pool till mid november.
again back to the rough day.....
so we are all a little edgy on saturday mornings and it is usually alright but today elias was whinier than ever and zandria was dwaddly(a word? not sure). and i was by myself when i am not used to.
we leave the house and the whining stops to the point that i even let them go to the library after for a bit, but then we come home....yikes.
at 11 am i suddenly start thinking about bed time. YUP bed time.
so after contemplating i decide no nap early bed time.
went out of the house to get some paint to paint my basement and the non listening boy and all of his whininess comes out at the store. I couldn't even get my head around what kind of paint samples i wanted to take home to check out. i was sooo cranky and soo was he.
got home ordered pizza cause that is what i wanted and the kids weren't giving me any other ideas . then elias brought out his i don't like that cry/whiny voice to everything including water. I said fine whatever.
then at 7 i said ok time for jammies and i will read books to calm everyone down. well elias wasn't having any of it. and fought all of it so he wasn't allowed to read the tantrum ensued....yup worst one ever...surprised he still has a voice left.
we are all used to having jeremy here. I am glad he is where he is...but we missed him today and tomorrow is going to be no different. hopefully we all have a good sleep.
October 13, 2011
link to the haiti blog
October 12, 2011
woo hoo
bed was dry this morning
he was dry this morning
i even had to with hold cereal until he went to the bathroom....don't want his cereal to get soggy half way through
it was a fight but he went and he went good
soo proud of him
we are officially a diaper free house for the next 2 and a half months
WHAT 2 and a half months......yikes
wow not sure i am ready.
October 11, 2011
hearing more of me
October 10, 2011
5 weeks is a long time
well for some reason unlike most kids he would not let me completely give up for a time
he would suddenly start telling me when he had to pee
he would wake up dry
he would refuse to wear a diaper or pull up
sooo frustrating cause he didn't always tell me when he had to pee
and never, NEVER told me when he had to poop
thought i was going to loose my mind
then about a week and a half ago i went to toys r us to pick up some baby stuff that was on sale that i needed i went and picked up a pack of diapers also
his response was 'those mine??'
i said 'no those are for the baby. only babies wear diapers, big boys wear underwear and poop on the potty'
'oh' he says
i asked him if he was a big boy and he said yes so i told him he had to poop on the potty
so he did
only on the small potty for the first couple days
oh i should mention that i was still bribing him with hot wheels cars at this point
then this last saturday he decided that only the big potty would due
he has been dry for over a week now
dry about half of those nights
and i still here wondering why i didn't by baby stuff before his 3rd birthday
oh well i think this was just the right time
August 30, 2011
potty training
zandria didn't catch on until a month before she turned 3
not by me not trying
i tried every couple of months since i thought she was ready shortly after she was 2
she just wouldn't tell me when she had to go, she would go when taken but would not tell us
soooo frustrating
then we decided that it was time to get her to poop on the potty, even if it took all day sitting on the potty.....well that is what it took
she pooped and then she was done, other than the very very rare accident
i thought she was difficult
elias is difficult
we have been trying off and on since he was 2....same as zandria
he refused.....most kids say no i can't or no i don't want to.....nope he says nnoooo i won't ....NO I WON'T.
kid seriously do you have to be sooo stubborn....honest but stubborn
again i tried every couple of months or so
nope no luck
then we decided no more diapers...pull ups or underwear.
after like 3 days of mess all over my house...mostly the bathroom we insisted he just wear the pull ups and we go on his cue.
side note about the bathroom thing.....for 3 days he wore underwear cause he wanted to most of the time but he wouldn't tell us soo i would send him to wash his hand for any reason and he would pee all over the stool and the floor....a little took me 2 days to realize that the running water was making him pee. so i had to convince him to go pee before he washed his hands at any point. hilarious.
anyway nothing clued in with him.
so we tried bribing him.....nope
so i tried what my aunt suggested.........i let him pick out underwear and buy it put it on him and if he poops in it he has to throw it out.
well he picked a pack of plain ones and a pack of mc queen and a pack of elmo ones.
the first time i threw away a mc queen one and he didn't clue in.
the second and third time was just plain ones soo it was whatever to him
then yesterday was the fourth time
he was wearing elmo
we spent the weekend with one of his friends that is a bit younger than him and this little boy peed on the potty all the time,
so elias decided he would do that too.
yesterday there were no pee messes, but he decided he needed to poop and didn't tell me.
yup cleaned him up with a shower(he hates showers)
got him to put elmo in the garbage
he came back inside and said he was very sad.
i proceeded to let him know that i was frustrated and that if he would poop on the potty instead of his underwear then he wouldn't be sad , i wouldn't be frustrated, i wouldn't have to give him a shower and he would get chocolate....the kids loves chocolate.
we put a pull up on for bed.
today he insisted on underwear
we went to a friends house, to the mall and home
no messes
bath time at 7 and still no messes and he told me when he had to go....but he didn't poop
bed time and he didn't want his pull up on....ummm it is bed time
i pull out the water proof sheet and let him wear what he wants....just a little nervous to wake up to poop
he didn't do that today you know
he turns 3 on Thursday....i just wanted to get him trained before he turned 3
oh the humour
i still hate potty training
hope this third one isn't harder than the other 2
August 22, 2011
over half way
July 19, 2011
It's True....
there is only one and my dates are dead on
I was a little disappointed....i really wanted twins, but God has granted me with my 3rd miracle
I still didn't fully believe that some one really lived in my belly right then....she didn't let me hear the heart beat, just see it. that ultra sound was when i was 10 weeks.
this past friday i had my 15 week check up
i heard it!!!
it is true!!!
a heart beat of 155
i am pregnant and am having a baby
due jan. 5th but will have a c-section before the new year
zandria is very excited, but will only love it if it is a girl.....we are working on that
elias is excited and tells me my belly is chubby, and that there is a baby in there....oh and that it is a boy....
we will see.
but yes it is true next year we will be a family of 5. :)